Here is a brief account of Garment worker Resource & Facilitation centre-
We have formulated an efficacious Grievance mechanism, Alert mechanism, and third-party independent mechanism in RMG supply chain to address the vulnerable workers’ grievances. Also, harmony among workers and factories is always ensured. It is not biased and does not favour any party. Furthermore, we impart TRAINING, AWARENESS, COUNSELLING and REMEDIATION programs
Worker’s Voice help desk is utilised in dealing with grievances or distress calls of RMG workers, where the calls of workers from all-over India is attended at Delhi.
WVHD is an effective tool in addressing the concerns of garment workers. There are various issues that RMG workers face in community and in their respective factories.
The grievances that we come across are related to wages/statutory benefits, freedom of association, harassment/gender bias issues, workplace health and safety issues etc.
R&FC ensures that workers have an appropriate outlet to report and seek redre
ssal for their complaints.
Since, we are expertised in Factory investigation/remediation, Child remediation, Factory policy,Training, Multiple engagement programs, Community research And CSR, Dissemination/ Workshops, Awareness program, Gender sensitization and Capacity building. We successfully provide following deliverables :-
Awareness programme to factory workers and community members along with tools (modules, IEC material).